Respect The Voodoo! ™ I BROADCAST LIVE WEEKDAYS at NOON US CST! Pan African Spiritualist, Practitioner and Advisor. Oloye Hoodoo New Orleans Voodoo Obeah Bokor. The Witch Doctor - Medicine Man - Black Hawk Voodoo Chief Divine Prince Ty Emmecca Please come visit me:
YouTube VoodooTyE All is a Blessing! Nameste', Alaafia & Ase! No frills, no flashing lights, and whistles, just a vessel allowing the work of The Divine to Be done. Peace and Divine Blessings, Love, Joy, and Prosperity!! 24/7/365/360* ***I accept all Questions, Comments, Audition requests, Initiation requests, RSVPs, Tours, Psychic Readings, Work and Appointments, and interview requests by E-Mail (it ain't personal its professional - no exceptions) at: I schedule Tours, Call-Backs and prearranged appointments (For In-House, On-Location and Virtual Services to include Phone, SKYPE, Text and Video, as well as E-Mail Consultations (and responses) and Appointments within 24 and 48 Hours; usually within 8 hours of receiving your Paypal donation alert.)*** Do you know your Soul Purpose? My schedule is overwhelming. I accept serious inquiries, request,s and appointments by email:
[email protected] My direct Temple email address and website I am now available on Psychic World! #RespectTheVoodoo #TwoSpiritConjuror You can call me right now or I can chat live with you right now, Video and Audio Chat or provide a professionally written email response I am NOW AVAILABLE 24/7 Pay Voodoo Chief The Divine Prince Ty Emmecca using PayPal.Me My Website also has a PayPal donation button.