MilkThistleBenefits Page

   Joined Feb 03, 2018
Milk Thistle – What is it?
As a herbal supplement, milk thistle detoxifies and also protects the vital functions of the liver, and there are numerous other benefits that the herbal plant offers.
While the Latin name of milk thistle is Silybummarianum, most people refer to it by its common name, “milk thistle.”
The common name comes from the milky white fluid which arises from the leaves of the plant should they be crushed. The plant is a native of Asia Minor, North Africa, southern Europe and southern Russia, though it has become naturalized in South and North America.
What Benefits does Milk Thistle Offer?
For more than 40 years, there have been intensive pharmacological, chemical, and clinical research studies carried out which have confirmed how the therapeutic value works in terms of its action and mechanisms.
Hundreds of research studies confirm that the milk thistle has a remarkable capacity to provide protection for the liver as well as the body in general against many forms of physical damage.
What’s more, the National Institutes of Health and the US National Library of Medicine have been able to catalog over 400 scientific studies involving the milk thistle plant together with the active compounds that are derived from it within their medical database.
Such studies have gone to compound what was already known about milk thistle by generations past – it is considered as among the most beneficial and valuable herbal treatments and remedy that is to be found anywhere around the globe.
These days, milk thistle is very commonly used around the world while it is likewise the most recommended natural herb in terms of its capacity for aiding the health of the liver.
In Europe, the herbal plant is, in fact, prescribed as a medication, and it is used to treat a large variety of conditions, including cirrhosis, alcohol- and drug-induced liver damage, chronic hepatitis, acute viral hepatitis and more.
Conditions of the liver that can be improved when using milk thistle are varied, and they include, though are not limited to:

Chronic active hepatitis
Alcoholic cirrhosis
Active viral hepatitis
Alcohol- and drug-induced liver damage
Cirrhosis and fibrosis
Nonalcoholic and fatty liver disease, as well as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Hepatic toxicity brought on by steroid use
And it can be used to treat a large variety of environmental toxins and sensitivities

What’s more is that clinical and experimental studies have suggested that extracts from the plant have a number of benefits that are not related to the liver, including:

It lowers the levels of cholesterol, and in turn, that benefits the heart
It reduces cancer cell growth in the lung, the breast, the prostate, the colon and the cervix
It works as a therapeutic agent and can help to prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease
It reduces levels of blood sugar
It reduces cell damage which has been caused by chemotherapy and radiation treatments
It contains a large variety of properties related to anti-aging
It aids with indigestion and intestinal issues
It can reduce hot flushes as well as many other symptoms of menopause

 Milk Thistle
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